E-learning: trends en ontwikkelingen

  • Geve

    E-learning is volgens veel recente onderzoeken effectief en veel goedkoper dan klassikaal onderwijs. Deze beide onderwijsvormen kunnen goed worden gecombineerd.

    E-learning ontwikkelt zich snel en wordt veel toegepast in bedrijfsopleidingen.

    Wilfred Rubens, E-learning: trends en ontwikkelingen


  • Marto

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    uifka, une, bree, san, nonie, driehoek, de pi, auve, bjp, pit, grace, gilk, fluor, q, rosh, sie, sina, jos baten, vroen, frog, rfs, tjif, pferde, nd, DVI, bsb, tedbea, fleek, woesj, Conrad van Pruijssen,G.van Vliet,setille,till

  • Geve

    Zo vind je snel de beste leervideo's op internet:




    Collecting the Best of EducationTube

    At the present time there are millions of video clips online and more going online all the time. The YouTube Fact Sheet tells us that every minute, ten hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. This is not counting the video that goes on the many other video-sharing sites currently available. For educators this can simultaneously thrilling and daunting.

    How do we find the good content in the mix of millions of clips distributed all over the Web? Of course there are search engines that do a fairly good job. What if we had search tools that helped us find content deemed appropriate for instruction? What a time saving tool this would be. Fortunately, the trend in Web-based video is swinging this direction with a growing suite of educator-friendly video search tools.

    Here are two sites that have high potential of expediting that educational video search. None of these act as video-sharing services since they do not support video upload. Their primary role is educational video aggregation where educators or students can go to find the best educational video available to the public for free. Videos on these sites are organized in categories for browsing and search is also available.

    WatchKnow: http://www.watchknow.org

    WatchKnow is founded by Larry Sanger, creater of Citizendium and co-founder of Wikipedia. The purpose of WatchKnow is to create a safe haven for kids to find good educational video clips. Registered users contribute embed code for videos found on sites like YouTube. Videos are rated and categorized by topic on the WatchKnow site. The directory of categories and subcategories is unique because it can be updated by registered users.

    On WatchKnow we have a place to collect, review, rate, and categorize the best of educational video found across the Web. WatchKnow is currently in beta, but it is open for use. Interested educators are invited to join and help to build a great library of educational video clips for kids. I am happy to serve on the advisory board for WatchKnow and recommend it highly.

    EduTube: http://www.edutube.org

    EduTube is an educational search engine that allows users to find video using criteria such as category, video type (e.g. documentary, demonstration, etc.), length, and education level.

    When you first visit the EduTube home page you will find a basic search field, quick links, and a panel of new videos. To access the advanced search features click “Search Options.” This will take you to the categories just mentioned. Users may contribute links to podcasts or videos as candidates for EduTube content. Screening appears to be done by EduTube staff.

    These sites are fabulous because they demonstrate how it is possible to organize and share the best of the free Web-based video. Everybody benefits from services like this to gain rapid access to the growing library of free video content.

    We can escape the tedium of sorting through all of the poor quality or useless content and get right to the information we need. This is a great trend in the field of Web-based video.

  • Marto

    Yo, daar gaat ie weer!

    Mr Spam is weer aan het woord.

    groetjes aan:

    uifka, une, bree, san, nonie, driehoek, de pi, auve, bjp, pit, grace, gilk, fluor, q, rosh, sie, sina, jos baten, vroen, frog, rfs, tjif, pferde, nd, DVI, bsb, tedbea, fleek, woesj, Conrad van Pruijssen,G.van Vliet,setille,till, geve