Maatregelen tegen pesten en geweld op scholen

  • Cin

    Pesten en geweld vormen nog steeds een groot probleem op scholen, met langdurige ernstige gevolgen voor veel leerlingen en leerkrachten.

    Maar die problemen kunnen nu goed worden opgelost. Een van de projecten op dat gebied is: “De vreedzame school”. Je kunt hier lezen wat dat is:

    Wat doet jouw school tegen pesten en geweld? Wordt het genegeerd uit gemakzacht of machteloosheid, zoals in het verleden gebruikelijk was op scholen? Of is er op jouw school een actief beleid op dat gebied?

    Als leerkracht, ouder of leerling kun je zelf een email sturen naar de schooldirectie om te vragen om een actief beleid tegen pesten en geweld. Je kunt daarbij ook een club oprichten binnen je school om de invoering van die maatregelen te helepen voorbereiden of bespoedigen.

  • jannie

    nou goh

    er staat atlijd wel weer een nieuwe wereldverbeteraar op

    17 jaren lang heb ik mij bezig gehouden met pestgedragingen

    morele ontwikkeling enz enz

    en weet je wat

    en verander geen zak

    een enkeling denkt na over zijn/haar gedragingen en draagt hiervoor zijn/haar verantwoording(en).

    straf en beloning doet wonderen.

    maar de beloning blijft uit voor diegene die wel nadenkt over zijn/haar gedraging(en) en morele verplichtingen ten opzichte van de medemens.

  • Cin

    Sinds dertig jaar geleden is er wel wat veranderd. Er is veel meer bekendheid gekomen voor het probleem. Maar het probleem is inderdaad nog niet weg. Geef de moed niet op en sluit je aan bij een vereniging tegen pesten. Samen staan we sterk.

  • coördinator

    Zoek het wat dichter bij huis:

  • roos

    zoek het in de praktijk

  • Mee (ik)

    Zinloos Geweld en Maatregelen tegen pesten

    Neem contact op met hulpdiensten bij zinloos geweld

    Als u iemand zinloos geweld ziet plegen ga er dan nooit op af, want als u er mee gaat bemoeien kan de dader ook op u afvliegen. Dus ga dan ergens veilig staan waar de dader u niet kan zien en neem snel contact op met de hulpdiensten (politie, ambulance, brandweer) het telefoon nummer is 112. De politie en de ambulance zijn het belangrijkste. Als de dader weg gevlucht is ga voorzichtig naar het slachtoffer en stel hem gerust dat de hulpdiensten onderweg zijn. Het is ook heel belangrijk dat u de kenmerken van de dader onthoud. Zo kan de politie de dader sneller opsporen en is de buurt weer veilig.

    Acties op scholen tegen zinloos geweld

    De school Wilgenstamschool zingt een lied tegen zinloos geweld. Bo en Silke hebben samen een spreekbeurt over zinloos geweld gehouden. Hun klasgenoten vonden het heel interesant en vonden het erg dat mensen om domme redenen zinloos geweld plegen. Kinderen hebben mozaiek tegels met lieveheersbeestjes gemaakt. De kinderen vonden het leuk om zulke acties te doen. Ze hebben er veel van geleerd. Zulke acties zet mensen aan het denken en beginnen er goed over na te denken en beseffen hoe vaak het gebeurt.

    Acties tegen pesten

    KidsTegenGeweld heeft zeventien verschillende anti-pesten posters gemaakt. Op elke poster staat een voorbeeld van een manier van pesten. Op die posters staat ook dat pesten stom is en je leert er over na te denken over gepest worden en pesten. De Kinderpostzegels hebben gezorgd voor die posters.

  • Cin


    Je schrijft goede dingen. Maar soms kun je wel ingrijpen bij geweld, als je vraagt aan een paar omstanders om te helpen, of als je veel sterker bent dan de dader.

    Verder kun je soms stiekem een foto maken van een dader of proberen om hem te volgen terwijl je de politie belt.

  • Whege

    Video over pesten. Klik op deze link:

    Bullying in the Workplace Part One

  • Whege

    Bullying Prevention: Life Lessons on Good and Evil

    In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

    Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the U.S.

    By Melinda Bossenmeyer

    As you may know, last month I attended a gathering of like minded individuals called Hero Camp. During the Hero Camp discussions, I kept reflecting on how school mirrors society and schools are a laboratory for life’s lessons. In particular, school campus provides us the microcosm of “evil”, played out as bullying, versus “good”, which manifests in those students who take a stand against bullying.

    Hero Camp

    First, allow me to give you a little background on the Hero Camp. I didn’t know fully what I was getting myself into but found the concept of “Hero Camp” intriguing. The gathering was based around Phil Zimbardo’s work and his research on good and evil. His most recent book is called, The Lucifer Effect, and its central theme is an exploration of how good people can turn evil.

    Professor Zimbardo is perhaps best known for his early research project called the “Stanford Prison Experiment” where he studied well adjusted typical college students’ reaction and coping skills exhibited in the prison setting in which 1/2 the students’ were guards and 1/2 were prisoners.

    Professor Philip Zimbardo

    You may remember the experiment had to be called off less than a week into the experiment due to the cruelty of the guards and resulting mental instability of the prisoners.

    One observing or reading about the experiment would have to admit the good students, given the right circumstances, turned evil. Likewise in the not too distant past, most Americans can remember the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuses in Iraq. When faced with what most people would consider undesirable and un-American behavior at Abu Ghraib, I pause and wonder with my retired principal and teacher hat if there is anything we - “school educators” - should have and could be doing to instruct students to consider another path?

    Wondering down the path of evil

    Now, let’s consider the definition of evil according Dr. Zimbardo.

    “Evil is the exercise of power to intentionally harm, hurt, destroy or commit crimes against humanity.”

    The Road To Evil, he points out, is a slippery slope. One of the most intriguing concepts to me was that evil is often times not premeditated. It is the mindless taking of the first step to dehumanize others, and the de-individualization of self (Anonymity) leading to the lack of personal responsibility coupled with the blind obedience to authority. As a result, individuals become uncritical and conform to group norms. Individuals or groups who are passively tolerant give rise to evil through inaction or indifference. This results in the perpetuation of evil.

    Playgrounds: the perfect laboratory for Life Lessons

    You may be wondering what this has to do with schooling? As educators, we are called to insert “life lessons” into schooling. It struck me that we have an opportunity each day to teach the lesson of good action vs. evil action in school bullying situations. Bullying in schools is one of the most prevalent problems facing schools today. Yet bullying intervention programs have largely failed and it is fair to say, miserably.

    Bullying in schools is one of the most prevalent problems facing schools today.

    A 2004 comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs in schools around the world (Bullying in Schools: How Successful Can Interventions Be? edited by Peter K. Smith, Debra Pepler, and Ken Rigby) found that achievements so far have been modest at best. In some cases, the interventions have been totally unsuccessful.

    Why have anti-bullying programs met with so little success? They suggest two important reasons.

    The first is that educators have focused on immediate strong disciplinary action when bullying was observed. Unfortunately, the problem with this approach is that the research indicates that bullying rarely occurs in front of adults. Instead bullying occurs in the company of children. Children observe bullying. Teachers do not. Bullying research also indicates that only occasionally do students report bullying.

    The second reason why anti-bullying programs often fail (Smith, Pepler and Rigby) is because they do not effectively engage children in the elimination of bullying. One of the startling facts to emerge from the research into children's bullying behavior in recent years has been to document that it occurs in the presence of other children. Unlike previous thinking, we can no longer conceive of bullying at school as a covert activity, engaged in guiltily when there is no one around. On the contrary, research has found that school bullies glory in the presence of an audience. It provides theater. To a remarkable extent, the watchers either enjoy the spectacle or watch in a curious but largely disengaged manner. The few who may object are in a small minority.

    Let’s flash back for a moment to Dr. Zimbardo’s work on good and evil. He points out “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” British Statesman, Edmund Burke.

    What Schools Can Do

    If we accept the notion that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, then devising a curriculum against inaction and teaching children to think critically and act thoughtfully would be early training for righting the world of evil, right? And what better laboratory is available to us than the school playground complete with chronic episodes of bullying?

    This opportunity to “practice” skills needed to take a stand against bullying is perhaps unequaled as bullying persists within the entire schooling experience from elementary to high school.

    Why not use this opportunity to teach children, at an early age, of the evils of inaction? Both in Nazi Germany, or Abu Ghraib prison many people observed what was happening and did nothing. These situations point out that inaction and passively watching give tacit approval to continue with the abuses. It is the silent majority that makes evil deeds more accepted – we are aware that the acts are not acceptable, but because we do nothing, the acts are accepted.

    Bystanders hold the key to eliminating Bullying

    One of the most dramatic findings in bullying research is the focus on the bystander as an effective intervention strategy to reduce bullying. On those rare occasions when a witness does object to bullying, there is a good chance that the bullying will stop. In fact, researchers have reported that bystander objections effectively discourage bullying at least half the time.

    Heroism is the Antidote to Evil

    The question becomes, if successful anti-bullying programs must engage the bystander, what skill set is necessary for the bystander to choose action over inaction?

    Psychologists have identified this as pro-social behavior and altruism.

    Pro-social behavior benefits group members but also the individual engaging in that behavior, perhaps through higher esteem or greater acceptance by the group, or avoidance of social censure.

    Altruism refers specifically to positive social behavior that would be done even without personal gain.

    The motivating factor that separates these types of behavior is empathy. Research shows in experiments, in which people are asked to empathize with a fictional character in distress, they are more likely to help the person even if there were no negative consequences if they did nothing. Thus, if we strive to teach children to relate more with others, we may find they become more sensitive to their situation and act in more benevolent ways.

    Professor Zimbardo points out that establishing pro-social behavior and promoting civic virtue highlights the potential positive aspects of social influence. Moral behavior can be cultivated in early life by rewarding positive behavior. Government, education, and social institutions can be re-designed to facilitate critical thinking and responsible conduct. We as educators can begin to teach these lessons as early as pre-school. What methods are you as educators taking to pass this information along to your students?

    Cultivating Everyday Heroes

    To further cultivate this concept Professor Zimbardo and others have formed an organization called, Everyday Heroes. They promote the concept that heroism is the antidote to evil.

    He proposes the development of the heroic imagination by creating an educational system that instills in every child the self-belief that, “I am a Hero-in-Waiting. I will act heroically when my time comes.”

    Does this sound interesting? Stay tuned to learn more about in-school bullying prevention and how savvy administrators are capturing this moment of learning to instruct both victims and bystanders on bully prevention strategies.

    Peaceful Playgrounds is working on a specific Bullying Prevention Curriculum that will be the classroom component and companion of the outdoor recess Peaceful Playgrounds Program. Peaceful Playgrounds Program, a playground organizational program, already has incorporated a strong anti-bullying component. Every study in which Peaceful Playgrounds Program has conducted independent research, indicates a significant reduction in bullying behavior at schools which have fully implemented the Peaceful Playgrounds Program.

    Voor meer informatie:

  • Cin

    Webvideo van een recente conferentie over pesten op school. Deze video duurt tweeënhalf uur.

    Bullying Prevention Summit

    Aug 12, 2010

    Department of Education

    Speakers talked about the role of law enforcement agencies in the prevention of bullying. Thomas Perrelli in his remarks talked about the relationship between childhood and adolescent bullying and the commission of crimes such as domestic violence and sexual assault as adults.

    Russlynn Ali talked about the role of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Education. Among the issues she addressed were how to file complaints and the difference between harassment and bullying. After their speeches, they answered questions from the audience.

    A second panel of administrators talked about anti-bullying efforts in their schools. Among the topics they addressed were staff training, the Iowa Safe Schools Law, teaching strategies, and the creation of student groups to assist in prevention. Following their prepared remarks, panelists responded to questions from members of the audience.