leaving age

  • Marie

    Apologies for the English!

    My son (British), who is now living here in the Netherlands.

    He is 17 years old, and so is past compulsary school age in England.

    Does anyone know if we must sned him to school in The Netherlands.

    I understand that Dutch children must attend one day per week until they are 18.

    Many thanks,


  • Theo Lamballais Tessensohn

    Marie, I suggest you visit the website of the Dutch Ministry of Education:


    The website contains an electronic form in the English language. I advise you

    to complete this form in order to obtain the required information.

    Theo Lamballais Tessensohn

    Theo Lamballais Tessensohn

    Marie schreef:


    > Apologies for the English!


    > My son (British), who is now living here in the Netherlands.

    > He is 17 years old, and so is past compulsary school age in

    > England.


    > Does anyone know if we must sned him to school in The

    > Netherlands.


    > I understand that Dutch children must attend one day per week

    > until they are 18.


    > Many thanks,

    > Marie.

  • Marie
